Virtually! Just in time for CHRISTMAS! With each gift certificate a link for a virtual catalog from Designs by Rhenn is supplied or a printed copy can be mailed-- buyers choice.

Thursday, April 15

Should have noted

Wow!  I just realized I hadn't posted a thing since we arrived in TX.  Welp, we did head the long way through CA and then through AZ.  While in AZ our fuel pump died, so we stayed a night or two in Parker, AZ while the car was fixed.  We made TX by Monday the 5th and immediately found a great house!  Everything we were looking for was found in the first house we had a chance to walk through-- one of which was a room I could dedicate to sewing alone.  I am so very excited!

I have also begun to work on custom projects from my store.  woo-hoo!!!!  One of which is almost finished.
We are planning on attending the Scarborough Renaissance Festival in TX this weekend.

Ciao for now,

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