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Friday, August 27

Bodice to Handwork

Roasting a lamb, St. Demetrios Greek Festival,...Image via Wikipedia
Ooooh!  It is looking a lot like the drawing!  The bodice for the "Andrea" little girl dress is down to handwork.  I will spend time tomorrow setting grommets, inserting stays, hand sewing  the final seams closed.  I hope to get to the shoulder rolls and sleeves done tomorrow.  I would like to take pics on Sunday and post to Etsy.  I may have to push it to Monday, though, if I don't get enough done before the Greek Festival tomorrow--family heritage.  Ashleigh works until afternoon so I can also work till the afternoon; we will wait, of course, so that she can join us.  Mmmm, Greek Lamb Gyros here we come!

Doh!  IT just occurred to me, that I have to push it to Monday because I have to make the outer partlet too.  Hmm... Well, we will see.  I will get a pic of the bodice up when I get the grommets and such done.

Ciao for now,

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