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Saturday, March 12


Culex mosquitos (Culex quinquefasciatus shown)...Image via Wikipedia
For those who've followed me for a while, I thought I'd catch you up with the Lyme's disease and all.  I will see an infectious disease dr later this month, but a couple of weeks ago I was sent to a rheumetologist.  He ordered a huge panel of blood work, one of which was to check for vit. D levels.  A week later he had me taking a lot of extra Vit D, then I went back to get the final results.  During our first visit/ exam, I had asked about fibromyalgia.  He did a another exam that day, looking for symptoms and such that related to that and he gave me literature (about 4 different brochures, all different reasons for my pain).  On the follow up visit, he asked me if I had read the literature.  I had and he asked me if any of them seem to be what I was dealing with, in my opinion.  I told he that the fibromyalgia was pretty much dead on.  He said he felt the same way and gave me a prescription, one that did not include an anti-depressant (I was adamant about not having one with an anti-depressant because if you aren't depressed, those can have an adverse effect).  I am also basically opposed to taking medication for long term, which I voiced to the dr.  He said just take as needed and we'll check again.  I decided I would give it two weeks of constant use, because I have such a hard time with exercise -- the after pain (not to be confused with soreness) was so intense that I had given up on the exercise, but I desperately need it to help the fibromyalgia.  So I figure, if the meds can help get the ball rolling maybe that would be the best.

I have had a great time sleeping again, getting my house back in order, and working out at the gym.  My back still causes a great deal of pain, but then I've dealt with that for 15 years.  But the meds are helping.  All of this does not mean I've been back in my sewing room, however, I feel confident as I get my house back in living condition, that I will be comfortable enough to get back to sewing.  Still taking one day at a time, and I still pass out at night between 8:30-10p, but my days are fuller and I am getting caught up!

Ciao for now,

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