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Wednesday, June 23

Back in the Saddle

It took me a little bit of settling down, but I was finally able to sit down and get a partlet knocked out- -well to hand work.  So first thing tomorrow will be handwork then into the mail!  Woo-hoo!  Man though, I love box pleats but it takes forever to do, LOL!

I have, back in my hands, the leather doublet I finished at the beginning of the month, to add a zipper and some snaps, per customer request.  So that will be the other project I work on tomorrow.

AND due to high heat and chubby thighs I may try to make a pair of bloomers for wear under my summer dresses-- and it will also due for wear under ren faire garments.  I know it isn't period, but then we aren't in a mini ice age either, LOL!

Ciao for now,

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