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Saturday, July 3

I didn't get in here last night before bed.  I had to undo a part of the corset i was working on as the reeds didn't work like i wanted; so now , i must wait for the new ones to come in the mail.  This is good, it was a learning experience and now i know that dye can not be stripped from reeds.

However, the linen did come in the mail.  It has been washed, dried, cut and ironed.  Today i will get it sewn together.-- woo-hoo!

And apparently we have a BBQ to go to tonight, but Mr. Nibbs (son number 2, child number 3) will be home from a week long camp.  yea!  The Pickle has missed his best friend (and he used me as the surrogate until his brother got home,argh, LOL).

Ok finishing business then on to sewing.

Ciao for now,

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