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Thursday, July 1

Whoa! Kids....

So I had planned on today being a handwork day--all day if necessary.  But, alas, my son had to go to work.  I had thought to send my daughter to take him then she could do the grocery shopping too.  However, she informed me that her wallet (id and drivers license) were in the car dad had taken to work.  Which of course meant that I was the one who had to take my son to work and do the grocery shopping.  That stole about 3-4 hours today.  Ugh.  So I did get a good chunk done when I got home.  Tomorrow I just need to couch the grommets.

I got the measurement verification for my friend's dh-- so while i await the linen tomorrow and the rest of the weekend, I will be working on his once I have finished the corset.

Since I logged about 7hours today, I will take some time now to do some writing.  


Ciao for now,

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