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Sunday, September 5

What I've been up to

In honor of my Grandmother, who died 12 years ago, I am naming my newest design after her: Dorothy.  I cut the fabric on Friday before going on a dinner date with my dear husband and several biker couples from our CVMA (Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association) Biker's group.  We had a blast!  Then yesterday we spent a huge portion of the day with the same group with more riding involved, wine being tasted and a motorcycle maybe purchased (more details about that later next week **wink**).  

Today, after church, I spent time getting some of the bookkeeping done for Designs by Rhenn-- then this!  Viola!  The forepart for the Dorothy design is done enough for me to start the over skirt.  All that is left is to add to the forepart is the ribbons to tie onto my old forepart--an old Elizabethan trick.  The process saves on time and resources by utilizing an older forepart in this manner.  The fabric is an upholstery chenille-- a golden background and velvet teal 'club' diamond relief.  The fabric has permanent sizing on the back, but I felt this was acceptable--even useful-- because, when looking at pics of noble garb (my own included sometimes) from ren faires, one often sees the hoop tiers impressed against the forepart. This detracts from the overall appeal in my opinion.  The sizing stiffens the fabric reducing this effect quite a bit.  I also backed this forepart with drill to be doubly sure the hooping wire doesn't come through.  It appears to have been a success.  (I pre-wash almost all my fabrics, including silks.  I figure in the long run I will need to wash them and Murphy's law often has it rain whilst I am wearing them, LOL!)

In addition, I believe I will add Swarovski pearls to the teal band at the bottom.  Maybe.  We'll see.

For tonight, I will cut the chemise I was commissioned for and tomorrow I will assemble.  Then after that is completed, I will begin the over skirt for the Dorothy design.

I am making the Dorothy design to my personal specifications as I would like to own it.  But Before I wear it I will put it up for sale on Etsy.  If it doesn't sell by the time we go to the Ren Faire here in TX (October), I will claim it as my own-- muahahahah... oh, er, did I laugh maniacally out loud?  **snicker**

Ciao for now,

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