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Thursday, October 7

Win a few, lose a few

PffftImage via Wikipedia
Energy levels wax and wane and therefore project completion follows suit.  I was able to complete James' sleeves (very simple in keeping with his current garb) and Nick's pansied slops (his choice).  They both look great!  John's doublet and venetians are ready wear as well.  I will get pics up after this weekend.

Ashleigh's is the only one I didn't get done due to loss of energy.  I don't want to rush hers either as it is a new idea/concept and I want her completely satisfied.

Tomorrow morning it is motorcycle ride then get ready for the trip to TRF!  Woo-hoo!!!  (Texas Renaissance Festival).
Ciao for now,

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1 comment:

  1. Darcien, I know the energy level is a real problem with Lymes' Disease. My friend, Marie, is a real go getter and having this disease has really changed her habits. At first she fought it but when she calasped and was hospitalized for 2 weeks she finally began to rethink her life. It took a while but she has managed to come to terms with her energy levels. She still gets to do the things she wants too, but at a much slower pace. Hang in there, friend. Adele


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