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Saturday, October 9

Recovering from a GREAT time at TRF

james, john, nick TRF 2010

TRF was great!  I am glad we took the 11hour trip (one way) to see it.  The site is magnificent!  I love the 4 different wedding chapels--each with different themes.  Ashleigh and I both agreed that the waterfountain chapel was our favorite.  The setting for the joust was awesome!  It had a bit a facade of the Roman Coliseum.  Way cool!  And the fireworks at the end ROCK!
Ashleigh and James taking a rest at TRF '10

The cast is split into about 8 "courts" that seem to be related to the themed weekends.  I loved the idea!  And they had a Transylvanian Noble Court (decked out in traditional garb but made to represent various traditional Halloween spookies, ie Frankenstein, goulies, etc.).  The German court was the big thing this weekend as it was Oktoberfest weekend.  It was fun!  And Chappy was THRILLED!  He had IPA (beer) all weekend.  This is a big thing because after moving to El Paso, we can't find microbrews that do IPA (an IPA is an Imperial Pale Ale which is a vary think hoppy beer).  And to add insult to injury, there are no local beer supply stores so Chappy hasn't brewed his own.  So, he was happy. And if we were stationed at Ft Hood instead of Ft Bliss we would be there every weekend.

The faire is also broken down into various areas that represent a few kingdoms, ie Sherwood forest, The Greek Parthenon, Italy, Poland, etc
Nick in his new Pansied slops, TRF '10

I wore my new gown on Saturday but that was a mistake as I was so tired and sore from sleeping in the car for 11 hours and I actually shed my gown by 3p-- This is UNHEARD of.  Chappy even turned to Ashleigh and asked if someone had replaced me at one of our pit stops with someone else.  However, after a great nights rest at a hotel, and lighter gown (my normal red doublet without the surcoat), had a wonderful day on Sunday.  I ran into some of the people I have met other fairs (fantastic!) and talked garb (my favorite thing). We saw the Wild and Thorny show with Iris and Rose (very bawdy, not family orientated), but only half of us got to see the German Rap show.

John sporting his new under doublet, TRF '10

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  1. What a nice family. Did you have fun at TRF? I have never been to that faire but I want to go before I get too old to move around in a 16th century gown! 2 weeks left of MDRF and then I put away my garb for a while. Have fun at TRF, are you going again? Adele

  2. Thank you Adele! We did have a great time. The first day was rough on me, but had a blast none-the-less and thoroughly enjoyed Sunday.

    Just two more weeks for you and MDRF for the year! That seems to have gone so fast. It can be bittersweet to see the end of a season. I hope your next two weeks rock!


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