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Wednesday, March 30

Another One in the Can

Dress dummy is too small for the measurements
For those who've followed since last summer, you may remember that I was diagnosed with Lyme's disease.  After a visit to the Infectious Disease Dr, I learned that I had been misdiagnosed-- I do not have, nor have I ever had, Lyme's disease.  But that does leave us searching for answers now.  Something the rhuematologist diagnosed me with, and would like to medicate me for,  fribromyalgia.  I'll be honest, after the misdiagnoses of Lyme's disease I am not all that confident in any diagnoses they come up with.  For now, while I await an appt with the sleep study people and the neurologist, I am using therapeutic grade essential oils.  (Compared to the medication, they are doing as well for what the meds had accomplished (and no side effects)).

With the help of God (and the essential oils He has given me) I was able to get a corset done and put into the mail today.  Yea!  I am hoping to actually get my rear in gear and get my sewing stuff going.  Maybe, after I finish the upcycle (or this one) I have had on the back burner, I will do some cauls...?

I am also working on some writing and so am trying to balance both endeavors.

Ciao for now,

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