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Saturday, August 7

Web Forms

Praying mantis / Mante religieuseImage by Eric Bégin via Flickr
Getting to blogs late today.  I spent well over 12hours working with a new forms creator.  I am so very happy!  I have always wanted my customization forms and measurement forms to have graphics for demonstration purposes.  And up until now, I hadn't found the one I liked.  But this new company rocks!  And it is free!  Full access for up to 100 forms.  Since I probably won't need that many, it may always be free for me.  However, if I did ever find myself in need of more than 100, I would probably pay for it readily.  The company is Jotform.

Not only can I add photos, I can add so  much and it is drag and drop.  While I can dabble in HTML, I don't like to because I have to look everything up.  Jotform just made it so easy.

Ok, I am falling asleep at the wheel here.  Night all

Ciao for now,

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