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Friday, September 24

Partlet complete

From Left to Right: Mary I & Philip II of Spai...Image via Wikipedia
I love how fast partlets go together!  There is no trim as I am attempting to keep the gown closer to Tudor than Elizabethan (hard to do for me as you will see-- for personal taste that is.  I can do it, but for a gown for ME I don't favor the Tudor).  Ashleigh says that she thinks the fabric I have left over from the forepart will make a good hat.  This is good because I had only enough velvet left for a hat or partlet and went with partlet.  I will take the motorcycle to the fabric store today to get thread and may get grommets-- I haven't decided if I will work the holes with or without grommets.  IT is faster (and costs less) to go without, but can come out less uniform. 

I have decided I want a high neck chemise/smock instead of a low neckline.  I have a short neck and have found I can hide it with the high neck collar  that is opened  creating the point of interest that detracts from my lack of beautiful swan-like neck.  All that being said simply to say that I will work on my new chemise today too.  I am debating the box pleat vs gathered ruff.  The time is cut by a third if I do a gather since I make my own box pleat, 30-45 min/ ruff.  The gathered ruff only takes about 20 min each.  But I love the box pleat.  We will see.

Ok off to work.

Ciao for now,

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