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Tuesday, October 26

One step Forward, two steps....

Wall flowerImage by Darwin Bell via Flickr
Today, I had a truncated day as I had to take two kids to the cardiologist.  So when I returned home-- much later than planned-- I began sewing the stay channels on the current corset pattern.  I began to lament the lack of "perfection"-- actually, I lamented the width of the chalk lines that caused too much variation in widths of the channels.  God blessed me with an idea!   I felt it was so useful, I blogged on my sewing blog.  You can visit Mistress Rhenn's Sewing Blog to read about it.  What this meant was that I had to work out the new method-- adding time to production (won't bill for it of course as it isn't meant to be longer in the end)-- and I had to undo what I had already accomplished.  I was ok with this though.  I am very pleased at the uniformity of the final product.  RIght now the corset is in the wash so I will be going to bed in a little bit-- after I blog about the boys results.  (Ok blog written.)

I hope to actually finish the corset tomorrow-- NO APPOINTMENTS!  LOL!

I received fabric in the mail for the next commission and will get it together on Thursday. I have to leave a little time Thursday and Friday to get the kids costumes for Halloween together.  I had hoped to make a fairy costume for myself, but I will just fall back on tried and true.  Yup you guessed it, my ren faire gown!  LOL!  I will get a red mask to wear with it this year though (as we may be crashing a party, LOL!  Shhh don't say anything!)

Ciao for now,

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