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Tuesday, December 7


So this is what my blog looks like-- I had forgotten!  LOL!  I am currently working on a jacket that had been promised last month for construction this month.  But beyond that I am trying to get my world back on track, which can be an impossible task during the Christmas Season sometimes.

I have been designing, in my mind, a line of home decor and biker wear.  And Chappy has been considering, more seriously, an idea he had for his brewing.  On that note, Chappy is a happy little bug in a rug again.  He decided he could make a decent beer with what was available to us from the one and only beer making supply store (in Las Cruces).  He made me sample the liquid that issued forth from his mash and while I hated it, it really was very very good!  It will be a hit at our Christmas party.  I also managed to finally bottle my Strawberry Basil Melomel (honey meade).  It turned out great!  (I almost never say my meades turn out great, so that is saying something!) I want to make another batch of meade-- maybe a methaglin this time-- but am a little hesitant as we don't know if we will be moving in June or not.  Chappy says I should anyway, I mean, because we did move with the strawberry basil melomel in the carboy and it turned out just fine.  We will see.

Ok.  Gotta run a kid to dr.

Ciao for now,

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