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Saturday, October 22

Busy return

The newest corset offers the simplicity of my
shoulder strapped corset with  
Wow, there is a Renaissance Arts weekend in Las Cruces, NM the weekend after I return from visiting my mom in NY.  And I would love to have my newest costume wearable by then (then the following weekend there is a SteamPunk conventiony thingy in Albuquerque, NM that dh and I would love to go to as well).  What does this mean for workload?  I have to remake a hoopskirt (though I may be able to fudge with my dd's old one), make a new chemise, finish the bodice lacing holes ( a BAZILLION of those), make the doublet, forepart, and sleeves. Whew!  That is just the basics.  The accessories are a cape, gloves, tall hat, pomander, caul, and then eventually there is another set of sleeves and forepart that will need to be made.

Thankfully, I was able to get the frock coat and sleeves to hand work before leaving for my mom's.  I brought both of those projects with me, as well as James' and Nick's Halloween costumes.

Since I've spent so much time in the airports since yesterday, I've been working on various small computer projects that I have added to the to-do list.  Little stuff, but it does keep the list clean to get them off.

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