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Monday, March 12

Busy Little Worker Bee

The work on the custom requested man's renaissance wardrobe is coming along.  I had hoped to be further along yesterday, however I had had to work out a problem, and for me this is usually one of those things that can hold up a project until it is solved.  So I worked on a few other necessary aspects of the project yesterday though there isn't anything that can be shown publically for it, LOL.  The problem though was solved and as soon as I did, I went right to work!  Today I will spend the day finishing the doublet, and getting a good start on the sleeves.  It may even be possible that I can get the sleeves to hand work.  Woop!  The doublet buttons are still working their way to me in the mail so unless I get them today, the doublet will not be completely complete.

I moved the slops to tomorrow, once the sleeves are complete.  The slops are probably a two day plan and then the cape will be after that.  Woot!

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